Our Story

We have become so aware of what we feed our family, wanting to know where our food comes from.

This got me thinking "where do our body products come from?" Which led to the thought "I could make soaps for my family." I knew I wanted to use ingredients that are safe for any age, that work effectively and importantly to us as cattle ranchers, come from the animals we raise.

I spent hours researching what would work best for my must have list. Finally, I settled on everything I would use and made my first batch of tallow soaps.

They worked beautifully! In fact, everything has worked so well, I succeeded in switching our household over to several tallow body products we use daily!

Next, we gifted to friends and family the same products we used... everyone loved it, raved about it all! In fact, they kept me busy when they continued to return for more!

So, my little business got its start without my setting out to do so, it fell into my lap as I was sharing things I feel so strongly about for my family and friends. 

To say I'm blessed is a grand understatement to be able to share these products with you and your family.

I'm so thankful your here!